Hurricane Irma from Space

Support Victims of Hurricane Irma

Randy Bresnik, NASA

Much of Florida has been devastated by Hurricane Irma, the second major hurricane to make landfall in the United States this year (after a twelve year hurricane drought). The state is just beginning to repair the damage; large portions of the state are still without electric power, and some areas remain flooded.

Many people have been displaced, or have had their homes and businesses seriously damaged. If you would like to help, please consider making a donation to a reputable disaster relief charity like Catholic Charities USA or the American Red Cross. Your donation will be used to help provide for the safety and well-being of the victims of this disaster.

Scott Bradford has been putting his opinions on his website since 1995—before most people knew what a website was. He has been a professional web developer in the public- and private-sector for over twenty years. He is an independent constitutional conservative who believes in human rights and limited government, and a Catholic Christian whose beliefs are summarized in the Nicene Creed. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from George Mason University. He loves Pink Floyd and can play the bass guitar . . . sort-of. He’s a husband, pet lover, amateur radio operator, and classic AMC/Jeep enthusiast.