Check Out ‘Clear Weather’ for WebOS

I ended support for my No-Nonsense Weather application for HP WebOS back in August after Hewlett-Packard announced it was terminating WebOS device operations. It is, however, open-source so it had the potential to live on.

Well, I’m happy to report that Jonathan Dale has picked up development and the application will live on as Clear Weather. He has just released his first new version, 0.7.0, which takes my application, adds some bug fixes, and adds support for the TouchPad and Pre 3. It’s off to a great start.

So if you have a WebOS device, make sure to check it out!

Scott Bradford has been putting his opinions on his website since 1995—before most people knew what a website was. He has been a professional web developer in the public- and private-sector for over twenty years. He is an independent constitutional conservative who believes in human rights and limited government, and a Catholic Christian whose beliefs are summarized in the Nicene Creed. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from George Mason University. He loves Pink Floyd and can play the bass guitar . . . sort-of. He’s a husband, pet lover, amateur radio operator, and classic AMC/Jeep enthusiast.