No-Nonsense Weather for WebOS Support Ends Aug. 31

No-Nonsense Weather

In light of Hewlett-Packard’s announcement that HP will be terminating its ‘WebOS device operations,’ combined with HP’s failure to release WebOS 2.x for my Pre Plus and a general ongoing pattern of mismanagement of the platform, I am terminating all support for No-Nonsense Weather for HP WebOS effective August 31, 2011.

On the evening of August 31, 2011, I will be removing the application from the WebOS App Catalog. If you want it on your WebOS device through the App Catalog channel, you will need download it before then.

I will leave the source code on the No-Nonsense Weather for HP WebOS page indefinitely. In accordance with the terms of the GNU-GPL 2.0 license, you are welcome to take the code and use it to make your own fork of the application. I only ask that you please give it a new name if you choose to fork it, in order to reduce customer confusion.

For those of you who are fellow WebOS exiles now on the Android platform, stay tuned. I am working on No-Nonsense Weather for Android. More information to follow. . . .

Scott Bradford has been putting his opinions on his website since 1995—before most people knew what a website was. He has been a professional web developer in the public- and private-sector for over twenty years. He is an independent constitutional conservative who believes in human rights and limited government, and a Catholic Christian whose beliefs are summarized in the Nicene Creed. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from George Mason University. He loves Pink Floyd and can play the bass guitar . . . sort-of. He’s a husband, pet lover, amateur radio operator, and classic AMC/Jeep enthusiast.